Topic > Fadzill Constuction Business Objectives - 832

Fadzill Construction Sdn. Bhdche under the class A contractor has goals yet to be achieved. These goals may change from time to time based on the company's progress and results. As the main objective of establishing this company is to change the way of life as he comes from a poor family and at the same time it has opened up job opportunities for local fresh graduates. Fadzill Construction Sdn. Bhd's growth rates continue to follow their desired targets which will try to maintain the right path to get larger scale projects, thus getting more profits and resources. The company also wants to be better and known from limited liability company to limited liability company, explore more in the future in real estate and trading (hardware selling building materials). It is generalized by statements of how to make bigger profits and big projects. Their business objectives from Fadzill Construction Sdn. Bhd considers construction activities as their main concern. The company deals with civil networks, infrastructure, road works and mitigation works. Furthermore, this company has received projects mainly from government tenders and would like to explore more on private tenders in the future. The organization is made up of experienced people in the management role in the organization to focus and get advice from their experience for more detailed objectives for the main functional activities of the construction industry. A kind of consolidated company separates its activities into different functional objectives of construction management. This includes in some areas such as project manager, operations manager, site engineer, quantity surveyor (the site managers) and office work related jobs...... middle of paper...... Ferrier et al . , 2001). Accordingly, the key unit of observation is an individual competitive action, a discrete, concrete, and detectable action by a firm to increase or defend its competitive advantage over its competitors (Chen and Hambrick 1995; Miller and Chen, 1996). As regards Fadzill Construction Sdn. Bhd has many competitors in obtaining tenders for government projects. Once the government publishes or publicly advertises the tender, all interested companies will submit different bid prices, and the authority will select and appoint the main contractor of the project based on the lowest price bid. For Dato' Fadzill, managing director of Fadzill Construction Sdn. Bhd., realized that he has a lot of competitors and that being dynamic is the only way to keep moving and obviously he has his own strategy to keep his company ahead of the rest and there are :