1. Reverse supply chain management is an efficient way to work efficiently.-Yes -No-Reverse supply chain management is an efficient way to work efficientlyFrequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative PercentValid Yes 27 75.0 77, 1 77.1No 8 22.2 22.9 100.0Total 35 97.2 100.0Missing system 1 2.8Total 36 100.0Interpretation: Maximum number of people believe that reverse supply chain management is an efficient way of working. 2. Your company is working towards supply chain management.-Yes -No Descriptive StatisticsN Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Your company is working towards supply chain management. 35 1 2 1.26 .443N valid (listwise) 35Interpretation: It's a mix of answers some people say yes, they are good leaders in the reverse supply chain field.3. In your opinion, the most common problems due to which we need a reverse supply chain. -End of life -Warranty -Service problems -ReproductionInterpretation: Since the organization works on profit, remanufacturing is the main cause of reverse supply chain.4. The main problem the company faces in managing the reverse supply chain of passenger cars. -Costs -Effort -Lack of system -Awareness -network. The main problem the company faces in managing the reverse supply chain of passenger cars. -Cost -Effort -Lack of system -Awareness -Network frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Cost 16 45.7 45.7 45.7effort 4 11.4 11.4 57.1system 2 5.7 5.7 62, 9awareness 3 8.6 8.6 71.4networ 10 28.6 28.6 0.0 Total 35 100.0 100.0 Interpretation: Cost is the main reason the company faces a reverse bid .5. Role of customer in reverse supply chain management.-Less -Medium -High -NoInterpretation: Role of customer in reverse supply is medium, which means the company's responsibility is greater.6. Reverse supply chain management of importance of passenger cars why.-Profit -Social responsibilities -Eco-friendlyInterpretation: Profit is the main concern of reverse supply.7. Most important part of the reverse supply chain.-Network Node -Customer -Company -Government Most important part of the reverse supply chain.Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative PercentValid Network Node 12 34.3 34.3 34.3Customer 19 54, 3 54.3 88.6Corporate 3 8.6 8.6 97.1Government 1 2.9 2.9 100.0Total 35 100.0 100.0Interpretation: An important role is the customer and the different nodes involved in it.8. Reverse supply chain management best suited for industry.-Automobile -Construction -ServicesInterpretation: Automobile is the main industry where reverse supply chain is useful.9. Are you satisfied with your company's approach towards it? Yes - No Interpretation: Many say yes, they are satisfied with the company's approach. CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The reverse supply chain solution is the movement of goods and services from customers to retailers. Reverse supply chain is not an entirely new phenomenon as it has been successfully executed in the automotive industry. The reverse supply chain process was previously perceived as a value-free process and it was the fear of regulations that forced most companies to invest in reverse supply chain processes. That's when they realized that reverse supply chain is a good business weapon that reaped benefits when used tactically.