INDEX:1. Introduction2. History3. Globalization topics4. Benefits of Globalization5. Disadvantages of Globalization6. Processes in Globalization6.1 Integration of the Economy6.2 Trade versus Aid6.3 Business Expansion7. Globalization of production8. Globalization of markets9. Principle of globalization10. Satellite technology11. Transportation Technology Air Transport12. DISADVANTAGES OF THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION IN TECHNOLOGY13. THE RESULT OF GLOBALIZATION ON SHOPPING DISTRICTS14. IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON GLOBAL INTEGRATION AND WORK15. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION: The term Globalization (or globalization) alludes to worldwide coordination procedures that emerge from the exchange of perspectives, elements, plans and different parts of the world's culture. Advances in transportation and telecommunications, including the rise of broadcasting and its Internet offspring, are central to globalization and produce further reliance on budgetary and social activities. The meaning of globalization is a global development or scale. It is essentially a company or administration that has developed on an overall scale from the business that initially represented the initial stages of its business. Globalization could also be considered as the methodology through which parochial issues of trade and profit, social orders and societies have been challenged through a worldwide system of political thought through trade, transportation and commerce. The term is generally almost related to the term monetary globalization. This essentially involves incorporating national issues of trade and profit into the world economy through… middle of paper… intensely and profoundly. The current wave of globalization has been driven by strategies that have opened up economically on a local and universal level. In the years following World War II, and particularly during the previous two decades, numerous governments received a system of free advertising investments, unlimitedly expanding their earning potential and creating new global trade and investment opportunities. Governments have also staged a tragic rollback of trade curbs and made global claims to advertise trading products, services and speculation. Exploiting new opportunities in external businesses, companies built remote manufacturing facilities and developed creation and advertising plans with remote partners. A characteristic of globalization, therefore, is a lean, globally budgeted corporate structure.