Customers, venue organizers and artists saw that Ticketmaster management was willing to listen to what they had to say and was open to making changes to make it better for everyone and increase even profits such as ticket sales. One of the biggest changes Ticketmaster made was to provide an interactive seat map that allowed customers to choose their own seats instead of the best available seats chosen by Ticketmaster. Another change the company made was that customers could pay for tickets and print them at the same time without any fees. In addition to that, Ticketmaster began not charging promoters and venue owners any fees when they tried to promote concerts, games or theater venues. This was a risky move on Ticketmaster's part; however, it eventually paid off as ticket sales increased and more artists started doing business with them. Additionally, Ticketmaster has begun notifying patrons' Facebook friends who will be going to which show, thus encouraging more people to purchase tickets and go to whatever show their friends would be seeing.