At least that's what we think, but in the novel 1984 it's exactly the opposite. Except for the human part, they might as well be canines since they are treated as such. For example: “The transformation that occurred was much more surprising than that. She had painted her face” (Orwell 142). Julia wore makeup to enhance her physical appearance, which is prohibited among Party members. The Party believed that self-expression meant you were no longer under their control, so they prohibited these actions. It wasn't just makeup that was prohibited, but also the desires produced when women wore makeup. Makeup is used to enhance natural beauty, and when used correctly, you can look and feel very attractive. This physical beauty attracts males and they become very lustful and desirable towards sex. Which sex is highly forbidden because it allowed devotion and independence towards each other rather than towards the government. Simple actions such as wearing makeup, having sex for pleasure, and even writing in a personal diary were prohibited by the Party because it meant they no longer had control over every aspect of their citizens' lives. Unlike the government we have today, it did not tolerate the First Amendment, nor any of the other amendments. Freedom