Dwayne and Felix breached their duties to comply with the voluntary undertaking to the best of their ability by leaving Vicky alone after they began administering the aid and were aware that she had suffered a harm. Because they did not wait for Vicky to be properly attended to by emergency personnel and left her on the side of the road after calling 911 for an ambulance, they breached their duty. Res Ipsa Loquitor Doctrine: Vicky could argue for a res ipsa jury instruction, however it is unlikely to be granted as she would be able to prove two of the three necessary elements. Actual Cause: Multiple Necessary Causes: But for Felix's concurrence and If Dwayne had moved Vicky and Dwayne had left Vicky, the shoulder and rotator cuff injuries would not have occurred. The actions of Dwayne and Felix moving Vicky's body together were multiple necessary causes of the injury. Proximate Cause: Shoulder and rotator cuff injuries were within the scope of the risks that caused us to determine Vicky's body fall was a violation. Because Dwayne dropped Vicky, Dwayne's dropping of Vicky's body caused the injuries she suffered. Felix's carrying of the body was in fact a cause, but not the immediate cause, of Vicky's injuries