In the story “Through the Tunnel” by Doris Lessing, a young boy named Jerry faces the risky challenge of swimming through a long, narrow underwater tunnel during his beach holiday. It's an interesting story with a variety of amazing characters. In the story, Jerry is on a beach vacation with his mother when he sees a group of older men diving into an underwater tunnel. This fascinates him, so he begins to practice holding his breath and diving until he can be like them. When he finally tries, he discovers how difficult it is and nearly drowns. The upward action begins when he swims into the tunnel for the first time. The climax is when he almost drowns. «He must continue in the darkness, otherwise he would drown. His head was swelling, his lungs were bursting.” There are few important characters in this story. Jerry is introduced using direct characterization, as is his mother. «He was an only child, he was eleven years old. She was a widow. She was determined to be neither possessive nor devoid of devotion.” But real personalities are shown indirectly. Yes...