Was purchasing some items offline from a well-known handicraft shop. The transaction went through successfully and he finally received his items shortly after purchasing them. Nearly a month after receiving his items, he noticed some unusual activity on one of his other credit cards. Luckily for her, her credit card company had noticed and sent her an email letting her know that there was suspicious activity on her card if she confirmed making those purchases. She hadn't made the purchases and discovered that her card had been hacked when she used it at the online craft store nearly a month earlier. She was concerned about how they had hacked into a credit card account other than the one used for the purchase. This person made two different transactions in Michigan with her card, so my mother knew it wasn't her because she hadn't even been in Michigan the day the items were purchased. The credit card company blocked your credit card and did not charge you for these purchases. We later found out that the hacker had accessed her craft store account because she didn't have a very strong password and had saved other credit card information in her account. All of his personal information was saved to his craft store account so this person could access it. My mom had to cancel that credit card, change her email, and open a new craft store