Topic > Importance of Formal Education Necessary for Success

Is formal education necessary for success? The argument that arises about the importance of education is fascinating. Many argue that formal education is a necessary path to success, while many argue that you do not need education to be successful in life. They often give examples of people who have managed to make a name for themselves and be famous; perhaps they were Albert Einstein who dropped out of high school or Steve Jobs who dropped out of college. In any case, these are people who became famous because they were extremely rich or for having done something spectacular, without having sufficient education. My thesis in the meantime concerns the true definition of education. And informal education certainly can be successful in a nation only because it leads to a healthier and richer nation, and this is proven by research. But the true meaning of education begins when a child is born and taught how to survive by his parents, our first parents. For me, being able to survive is the first step that counts as success when you are born and this is only possible with the help of your parents. Success as a Nation and as an Individual Formal education is the first step towards success as a nation and as an individual. to some extent, on a personal level. It is proven that an educated country has fewer health problems. Primary education alone has been shown to have stopped many premature deaths and the spread of HIV. () this alone proves how much the most basic education can lead to a successful nation where people strive to live healthy and longer lives. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word success is defined… middle of paper… people fail to meet normal priorities. So therefore formal education is very important. Education is necessary in every aspect of life and is defined when we are born into this world. It can be practiced mentally and practically. This helps your life become easier and more passionate by living a standard of life while earning high wages. Everything is more organized and healthy. This also helps the economy of the branches. The basic reason is that by being educated you can only meet and walk with the society. Increases confidence in speaking, debating and addressing people in politics. In essence, an educated person is more satisfied with his life because it is the solution to every problem and the wealth of knowledge is the best part to deal with everything. Although by education financial stability is very good. Choose the best education based on what you define as success. So choose wisely.