Topic > The Impact of the Silver Crash of 1893-595

Workers began to worry about their situation as the century progressed, after the silver crash of 1893. The Sherman Act of 1890 (SHRM, 2014 ) required the Treasury to purchase silver at market value every month. The government had purchased almost all the silver from the mines. This also caused gold to run out. People presented the issued banknotes to the government and received gold instead of silver. Workers organized themselves and tried to improve their lot in life. Management and government opposed their efforts. In this case JP Morgan had the upper hand. Morgan purchased Treasury debt for 3.5 million ounces of gold in exchange for $65 million in 30-year gold bonds. During this period of panic, JP Morgan acted as the nation's bank. The unexpected silver crash of June 26, 1893 forced nearly all of the state's mines, mills, and smelters to close. There was panic. Real estate collapsed, banks collapsed and people lost their jobs. It was difficult for everyone. The Panic of 1893 made things worse for the entire country. Some people thought Colorado had seen harder times in Silv...