Women use abortion as a method of birth control, it's horrible how some women kill an unborn child for convenience. There are many ways to avoid getting pregnant and prevent miscarriage. If you are not financially stable, don't have unprotected sex and prevent murder. A woman who cannot support her child does not need to have an abortion when she can give him up for adoption in complete confidentiality and free of charge to a family who will love and protect him. A child resulting from rape should not be killed because, just like its mother, the unborn child is not at fault for being brought into the world. Furthermore, killing an innocent child will not make a woman forget about rape. It is true that the unborn child cannot survive on its own outside the womb, and that it takes at least 22 weeks for the fetus to have a chance to survive, it is also true that the unborn child is in its mother's body, but it is not her body . That said, the unborn child has the right to live just like any of us. An unborn baby is able to feel pain within 20 weeks