Annotated bibliographyBuntinas, K. (2012, 15 April). Incorporate informational texts to increase students' reading habits. Statement: The Journal of the Colorado Language Arts Society, 48 (2) This article discusses the increased learning requirements of informational text as outlined in the Common Core standards and provides reading strategies to increase students' levels of comprehension in reading nonfiction. The author notes how reading strategies for understanding informational text differ from those taught for the fiction genre and notes that the use of informational books within a guided reading program helps primary school students become readers most successful. Provides specific strategies for teaching comprehension of informational text, including question generation, image prompts, analyzing text structure, using background knowledge, and thinking aloud. The author analyzed research studies that concluded that students do not prefer fiction texts over non-fiction texts, therefore if students are given more selection and choice when reading informational texts and are taught how to understand them using proven and specific strategies will develop enjoyment for the genre.Yopp, H., & Yopp, R. (2012, April). Young children's limited and restricted exposure to informational text. The Reading Teacher, 65 (7), 480-490 This study focuses on diversifying the types of nonfiction used in elementary classrooms. The authors conducted research studies that revealed that the majority of informational texts are delivered to elementary students in the form of read alouds, with 85% of the texts used covering science topics. Research has also shown that it is beneficial for students learning to diversify the types of narrative information (…half of paper…) used in elementary classrooms, as well as incorporating informational texts into social studies. and science, students will have more opportunities to work with informational texts and therefore be more successful in meeting the increased informational text requirements included in the Common Core. Student achievement and reading habits will improve by teaching students how to understand informational texts, while promoting further interest in the genre through a diverse selection of choices for students. Through the use of assessment-oriented instruction, along with the implementation of effective instructional strategies to improve students' levels of comprehension of informational text, teachers will be provided with the necessary guidance regarding whether they need to modify their instruction to help students achieve their learning goals.