Topic > Effects of Employment on Perceived Health - 955

Sample and DeliveryHINTS data collection is conducted every 2-3 years in order to provide trends in areas of interest in health and cancer. In HINTS, the eligibility rate is quite high because all adults are eligible (only families without adults are ineligible). HINTS is committed to: providing updates on changing health information patterns, needs and opportunities; identify evolving health communication trends and practices; evaluate access to and use of cancer information; provide information on how cancer risks are perceived; and offer a testing ground for researchers to investigate new theories in health communication. In an effort to address declining RDD response rates, NCI turned to work being done at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). BRFSS data collection has recently included experiments with postal surveys and mixed-mode (mail and telephone) data collection. Following the model provided by BRFSS, HINTS 2007 used a dual-frame design that mixed modes in a complementary manner. One frame was RDD, using state-of-the-art procedures to maximize the response rate. The second frame was a national list of addresses available from the United States Postal Service (USPS). I think this was a wise choice of method by HINTS to get more participants and avoid bias in the survey that could be caused by interviewing people just for having a home phone number or internet, methods used in their surveys precedents. Here are some of the three different types of response rates HINTS finds and how they arrived at these numbers. The screening response rate is equal to the sum of the weights of the families who collaborated (eligible or not) divided by the sum of the weights of the residential numbers in t...... half of the document ......yment e Mental Health: Conceptualizing employment status as a continuum - Springer." Unemployment, underemployment and mental health: Conceptualizing employment status as a continuum - Springer. Np, 01 September 2003. Web. 25 March 2014. Jane E Ferrie, Pekka Martikainen, Martin J Shipley, Michael G Marmot, Stephen A Stansfeld and George Davey Smith, 'Employment status and health after privatization in white-collar civil servants: a prospective cohort study, 17 March 2001. Web .K Stronks, H Van De Mheen, J Van Den Bos and JP Mackenbach. "International Journal of Epidemiology". Sorlie and NJ Johnson. "Abstracts". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 11, 0005. Web. Mar. 25. 2014.