Although essential for human survival, water is inherently unbalanced, as it is almost never equally distributed among the population. Especially in developing countries, such as Tanzania, the lack of water infrastructure can intensify existing conflicts and lead to unintentional violence. A poor water control system can make it more difficult to distribute water between different groups of people. This is clearly demonstrated in the current conflicts occurring in Tanzania, where farmers and herders “clash over dwindling water resources in the face of climate change” (Makoye 1). Recent climate changes have adversely affected the Pangani River basin, causing the nearby source of water in the basin to become scarce. With competition for water in the area, the nation is prone to conflict and violence. Since the problem in Tanzania is an equitable combination of declining economy, unjust distribution methods in society and sudden climate changes, it is important to effectively control and distribute resources among the population. The Pangani Basin Water Board believes that the root cause of this problem is the lack of water management and proper governance in the area. As a representative of the Water Board, it is important to “ensure that water resources are managed sustainably, through water governance and integrated water resources management principles” (Pangani Basin Water Board). To achieve sustainable management and development of water resources, it is important to provide broad opportunities and benefits to the people of the basin. The Council is made up of ten members chosen as representatives of the community near the Pangani Basin Water Board. It is vital, as a member of Water B......middle of paper......address the issue at hand in the most sustainable and manageable way possible. This means that any proposed solution should meet the needs of the environment, without seriously disrupting the social and economic situation of the country. The envisioned future solution to address conflicts is sustainable because it helps the nation's environment by reducing the amount of water usage, reduces conflicts between different groups, and helps develop the economy. Future generations will also benefit because centralized controllers don't require many people to help them operate. In conclusion, the water conflict in Tanzania can only be resolved through efficient control and management of water resources in the Pangani River Basin, which is clearly stated and supported in the long and short term plan by the Pangani River Basin Water Board..