Topic > Federalist #10 - 870

In “Federalist #10,” Madison describes the dangerous effects factions can have on the republican government and its people. Madison defines a faction as a group of citizens who band together for a shared cause and work against other groups to achieve their means. Their means of achieving their goals can have negative effects on the rights of other citizens. Put in more modern terms, a faction could reasonably be compared to a special interest group. The type of faction that most endangers the freedom inherent in United States society are the factions that contain the majority of the total. The weakness of a popular government is its susceptibility to the effects of factionalism. However, a well-constructed Union offers numerous benefits, and its ability to break and control factions is the most important and vital to the Union's success. Factions arise due to the nature of man who is moved by different opinions and passions. Men will be different in their opinions as well as in their social and economic classes, and factions will arise precisely because of the simple presence of dividing classes. Across factions, legislative measures are often decided by an overbearing majority, with little or no regard for others who do not share their interests. Protecting yourself from factions will protect those in the minority and ensure the public good is served. Madison is adamant about the dangers of a pure democracy and the downsides a democracy poses in the face of the dangers of factionalism. A pure democracy could not function effectively in controlling the effects of factions, since a common feeling will be felt by the majority of the whole in most cases. This would lead to an oppressed and largely ignored minority. Pro......middle of paper......ger and a more diverse group for voters to choose from. It follows that the number of eligible and impartial voters would be greater, allowing for fairer legislation. A large republic also makes it more difficult for the common interest of the majority to diminish the rights of the minority. In a larger republic, those who feel a common interest will be less knowledgeable about their own power and ability to oppress the minority, and will therefore be less likely to force factional effects. This great republic has some costs. The power of individual states is sacrificed in favor of greater federal power, which was, as a federalist, Madison's goal. Another cost is the fact that “men of factious temperament” may be able to deceive the people into electing them, and thus distort the will of the public, despite all the protections put in place to prevent this occurrence..