What role did women have in the Iliad? Most of the women featured in this book are very strong and courageous. While the spotlight isn't always on them, it takes up a good portion of the book and is somewhat centered on them. Most of the events that occur are due to them and result in the death of some people. Take Helen, for example, she is kidnapped, raped by Paris and put on the spot; after all, the whole war is caused by her. Having the reputation of being the most beautiful woman in the world and having such a kind husband, Menalaus, how could something like this happen to her? After leaving her hometown and being brought to Troy from Paris, she realizes that she has no such sympathy for him but even more so for Hector. Helen believes he is more of a gentleman and has more passion for his feelings than Paris. It's shocking, but even though all this is still happening, she places the blame for some of these series of events on Aphrodite, a beautiful goddess, known to be the goddess of love, relationships, and who is very supportive of Paris. He also helps the Trojans while the war is going on. Being the goddess of love, Helen believes that she could have planned everything that happened. Now, as we see, Elena still doesn't know that Aphrodite is the official cause of this whole lawsuit. In the beginning, there are a series of events that happen, they might have been a serious problem, but they weren't quite realized as they decided to plot this difficult idea. So focused on love, Paris has now fulfilled his prophecy of being the fall of Troy. It all started some time ago, when a wedding was planned on Mount Ida, where... middle of paper... hat she would have already returned home, especially Menalaos. So returning to the question on the topic: what role did women have in the Iliad? They each hold their own powerful meanings and each have their own way of doing things. Some of these women can relate if you group them into categories. In this case they would fall into property, valuables, goddesses, wives and some might even say mother figures or guidance counselors. Despite all this, they all remain strong and fight well. Sometimes men could put a kind of fear in the hearts of these women, but sometimes they came back with sharp tongues. They all stand out for both good and bad purposes and some things could have been better or avoided entirely. In all this confusion nothing has been completely resolved but all these women have greatly influenced someone's life.