They work like men and are servants at home (Paradise Bent 00:09:24). The Fa'afafine believe that in the Western world today they are not respected as they are labeled as "Drag Queens" and are considered a different sex as they are known as transgender in the United States (Paradise Bent 00:09:00). In Samoa. the fa'afafine are not classified as gay, which is what the Western world would classify them (Paradise Bent 00:45:05). Furthermore, the fa'afafines are aware that the modern world would not be very accepting of them and that they would face racism and homophobia. (Paradise Bent 00:44:45) They perceive the Western world as always trying to label people in social groups as gay, transvestite and/or transsexual and does not explain what a fa'afafines is. The modern world's lack of acceptance of people different from common gender ideologies would be detrimental to any fa'afafine (Paradise Bent 00:45:11) In the eyes of fa'afafine, the Western world is seen as closed-minded while they attempt to label/analyse