IntroductionAdoption does not mean finding children for families, but finding families for children” (Joyce Maguire Pavao). Same-sex couples should have the same options as heterosexual couples. Who says a gay couple can't raise a child and come out perfectly fine. Many same-sex couples, after many difficulties, have managed to adopt a child and have changed a child's life. Allowing same-sex couples to adopt is a powerful step towards success and helps in many ways, which is why same-sex couples should be able to adopt. Their love for children is the same as non-same-sex couples, there are too many children in foster homes, and there is no evidence that "bad parenting" occurs. Same-sex couples are just like non-same-sex couples, they have the same ability to raise a child and I believe they are capable of doing a better job. The only difference is that they are unable to adopt a child the way non-same-sex couples can, whether wrong or right. Same-sex couples are already going through so many difficulties in this society that they should at least have the right to raise a child. So many people are unable to have children naturally. So why not give gay couples the opportunity to raise a child in the same way heterosexual couples can or want to do so. If about half of states allow second-parent adoption, then why can't same-sex partners adopt children? There are millions of orphans and making gay adoption legal will allow us to help these children. BODY Same-sex couples have the ability to raise a child to look the same as heterosexual couples. Why is it so difficult for a non-heterosexual couple to adopt a child or even get married? We would all like to know the answer to this question. I feel like as long as the couple is happy a... middle of paper... ask because it seems like they would be so much cooler than just having a mother and father. I know so many gays and lesbians who would love to be parents and would love to be one. Am I able to know why people in this society always point fingers saying no, that's not right and no, they would be bad parents? Well, how do you know unless you try and actually put that child home with them? I am all for gays and lesbians having children and if everyone asked me my opinion on the whole situation, I would defiantly tell them what I thought of the situation. Works cited page -should-be-allowed-spreading-love-unfortunate lgbt-adoption/lgbt-adoption-statistics