Golf 101“Golf! Hit to make the ball go up. You take a swing to the left and the ball goes to the right. The lowest score wins. And what's more, the winner buys the drinks” (“Seniors…”). The game of golf may seem backwards, but it tests each player's mental and physical abilities with every swing. To be an effective golfer, you need to know the rules of the game, strategies for playing successfully, and how to continually improve your skills on and off the course. The main goal in playing golf is simple: to get the ball into the hole in as few strokes as possible, but it is harder than it seems (McGann 4). Since the same shot is never made twice, due to the nature of the sport, every round is a learning experience. This makes for an intriguing and challenging game for all ages. As with any game, there is a specific set of rules associated with golf (Blakey 3). Rules and regulations prevent cheating, provide scoring guidelines, determine penalties, and explain proper etiquette. By following the rules, players develop strategies to use in every situation, from the basic areas of gripping and swinging the golf club to the more difficult circumstances of choosing proper alignment and the proper clubs to use. These strategies are learned in various ways. Taking lessons from a professional and practicing drills on the driving range helps correct posture, stance, and accuracy (McCord 35-39). Golf is a difficult game, but knowing the rules, using strategies, and taking time to practice creates an enjoyable experience for its players. This study, written in Modern Language Association (MLA) format, examines the game of golf and the practices and strategies needed to play golf successfully. Each golfer plays with a single set of......half of the card......should be above the top edge and hands above the bottom edge of the magazine. This setting also corrects bad alignment. To improve the accuracy of your shots, place a bucket about thirty meters away and try to throw the balls into the basket (Briglia 86). This will force the player to be specific about their goal. Becoming a better golfer means knowing the rules and regulations, understanding the equipment and its proper use, and practicing skills for greater improvement. Golf is a learning game that can never be mastered, even by the most experienced players. The same shot is never taken twice, making it one of the most difficult and addictive games out there. “The most important reason to play is that golf is magical. It's maddening, frustrating, crazy, and completely addictive. After it becomes part of your life, you can barely imagine life without it” (Gary McCord 10).