Topic > Essay on Emotional Abuse - 639

Emotional or Psychological Abuse Emotional abuse is usually portrayed by lowering your spouse's self-esteem by judging their appearance or by targeting their insecurities, for example; “you have a disgusting face”, “you never understand anything”. In a study of 1,000 women aged 15 or older, 36% had experienced emotional abuse while growing up (Reinberg, 2010). These statistics show how common emotional abuse can be. Psychologist Steven Stosny states that “emotional abuse is more devastating than physical violence, due to victims being more likely to blame themselves” (Stosny, 2013). It takes a great toll on someone's mental state to feel that someone is at fault when they have done nothing wrong. Physical Abuse Physical abuse is when physical contact begins to be involved. This usually doesn't start later in the relationship. Abuse begins to manifest itself, for example, with small actions; pushing/pushing/grabbing will eventually turn into punching/slapping and in extreme cases sexual violence. Vera Mouradian, who works for the National Research Center on the Prevention of Violence against Women, states that "...cause temporary physical pain to the victim and includes relatively 'minor' acts such as open-handed slapping and serious acts of violence that lead to injury and/or death.”(Mourandian, 2000) Physical abuse leads to drastic measures and not being able to leave is the worst part Social Isolation Social isolation occurs when your spouse slowly pushes your significant other away from them usual social life; such as family and friends. This could start by complaining about the lack of privacy due to parents, avoiding them, accusing them of hatred towards them. The result it is… half of the document… ic, and its frequency and severity increase over time.” (Mourandian, 2000) Abuse in relationships continues to get worse and with a cycle like this, the victim becomes trapped. Why do they stay? People in abusive relationships tend to be trapped. The abuser destroyed their trust and left him isolated. The victim may feel as if without the abuser they have no one and are fulfilling the promise that continues to be made after each cycle of abuse. Warning Signs of AbuseThe signs that usually result in abuse are things like: extreme jealousy, such as when you look at another person and the first abuser acts unnecessarily, behaving in a controlling manner, unrealistic expectations, and even verbal abuse . The most worrying signs are threats or breaking of an object, for example saying that they will throw the lamp at you and smash it on the ground.