Heart murmur is an extra or unusual sound heard during the heartbeat, murmurs range from very soft to very loud. Sometimes they make a hissing or hissing sound. There are two types of heart murmurs, innocent (harmless) and abnormal. Most murmurs don't mean anything is wrong, but sometimes they are a sign that there may be a heart problem. Normal heartbeats come dub dub a heart murmur goes a dub swoosh dub. Murmurs can be classified according to 7 different characteristics.• Timing refers to whether the heart murmur is systolic (med) or diastolic (diastole)• Shape refers to intensity over time• Location There are 4 dots on the wall anterior thoracic region in which to listen to the murmur.* Aortic region - The right 2"d*Pulmonary region- The left 2"d*Tricuspid region - The 5th left*Mitra region!- The 5th left clavicular part • Radiation The sound of the murmur is radiates • Intensity levels which refer to the volume of the murmur which varies from 1 to 6 • Pitch which determines whether the murmur is low, medium or high • Quality is a characteristic of the murmur which is a booming or musical murmur. A doctor can usually detect a heart murmur through a skethoscope. Hissing is just an extra noise made by the blood as it passes through the heart. Heart murmurs are usually found in younger children and in most cases resolve on their own. They are caused by blood flowing through healthy valves and require no treatment. Heart murmurs can be caused by blood flowing into a damaged or unhealthy heart. There are many other names for a heart murmur. Innocent (harmless) murmurs are called.*Benign murmur*Flowing murmur*Functional murmur*Breast souffle - Usually causes in pregnant women.*Normal murmur*Physiological murmur*Firm murmur*......middle of the sheet … F%252Fupl oad.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons %252Fthumb%252 F2%252F2a%252FGray1216_modern_locations.svg%252F645px Gray1216_modern_locations.svg. png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fen.wikipedia.org%252Fwiki% 252FHeart_sounds%38645%3B611Work Cited Pagewww.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topi cs/topics/heartmurmur http:/Im.kidshealt.org/ kid /health_problems/heart/murmheart ur.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wolo/heart_murmur kidshealth.org.health-problem.hear/heart_murmurs.h tmlhttp://www.webmd.com/heart-d i sease/gui de/heart- treatments that cause murmurs http://www.mamashealth.com/heart/hmurmur .asp http://www.heartmurmur.biz/ http://www.chop.edu/service/cardiac- center/heart-conditions/heart murmur.html