The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is a mysterious book in which a man named Marlow is sent on a journey by someone named Kurtz. Marlow is enthusiastic about traveling and that's how he came to this job. As soon as he gets the job he is sent on his way to work for Kurtz. Kurtz is a very respected man, both for better as Marlow thinks and for worse as others think. During the journey Marlow's mind begins to change as he witnesses more and more things that perplex him and he can't make sense of in his head. Sometimes we humans don't want to accept or are blinded by the things happening around us. “Ever any madness in your family? He asked, matter-of-factly. I felt very annoyed.' Is this question also in the interest of science?” It would be, he said, without taking into account my irritation, "interesting for science to observe the mental changes of individuals, on the spot, but..." (17)This is what you are of the new gang: the virtue gang. The same people who sent him specifically recommended you."(41) The bricklayer told Marlow after asking about Kurtz. So the brickmaker is basically telling Marlow that he will be the next face of the best station. If he becomes the new Kurtz, the responsibilities will be quite difficult and will kill him or, as the doctor said, confuse him mentally. I feel the same way as Jiping Zhao in The Tragedy of Kurtz--An Analysis of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness. analysis says that he doesn't actually do it for him, he is just the face of the company. So basically his actions are done by the company, they are not his actions. This is also why people fear him and look up to him so high. He can do whatever he wants and really no one can really punish him Like all the natives he abused and or