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Why would someone need psychotherapy? What kind of therapist are we looking for? Each culture has different needs and these also need to be taken into consideration when choosing a therapist and the culture we will talk about in the following pages is a branch of Orthodox Judaism called Hasidic Judaism. We will look at psychodynamic, cognitive, Gestalt, and client-centered therapists and explain which of these would be the best choice to help our demographic feel like themselves again. “In speaking about the effects of specific forms of therapy, we must address the question of which form of therapy is most effective for which type of problem” (Nevid & Rathis p.323). The Hasidim or "pious" in Hebrew, belong to a special movement within Orthodox Judaism, there were millions of people in Central and Eastern Europe. This movement soon gained popularity among all strata of society, but especially among less educated or ordinary people. These people were attracted to its charismatic leaders by the emotional and spiritual appeal of their message. Which emphasizes joy, faith and prayer along with singing and dancing. These people also live holy lives; who find comfort in the most banal actions. They are spiritually centered on a dynamic leader known as a rebbe. “Therapists must also become aware of their own cultural biases to avoid stereotyping clients of other cultural groups (Nevid & Rathis p.326). Gestalt therapy was founded by Fritz Perls. “Like client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy assumes that people disown parts of themselves that might face social disapproval or rejection” (Nevid & Rathis p.308). Although it borrows heavily from psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy focuses more on the here... middle of paper... Davsky, O. (Editors). (1997). A Life Apart: Hasidism in America [video file]. USA: EMI UNART.Nevid, J.S. and Rathus, S.A. (2013). Psychology and the challenges of life: adaptations and growth. (12 ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons Inc. Nevid, J. S., & Rathus, S. A. (2013). Therapies: ways to help. In Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adaptation and Growth (12 ed., p. 325). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons Inc.. (Reprinted from Cultural Diversity and Effective Minority Psychology, Vol. 13, pp. 374-375, by G. H. Awad & S. Ladhani, Eds., 2007, American Psychological Association) Nevid, J.S. and Rathus, S. A. (2013). Therapies: ways to help. In Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adaptation and Growth (12 ed., p. 326). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons Inc.. (Reprinted from Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1 ed., Vol. 35, pp. 3-9, by R.B. Stuart, Ed., 2004)