Starting with reality shows has become a popular spectacle among younger audiences, inducing dangerous stereotypical behavior in America. Reality shows have evolved to a new level of crazy behavior, creating new versions of false and exaggerated personal lives. For example, a reality television show Love & Hip Hop, a show that depicts black ex-girlfriends of famous people and their climb to the top or their attempt to stay at the top violently and carelessly, doing everything they can creating a "ghetto stereotype". Aimed at young adults and teenagers, Love & Hip Hop is a very influential show among young female viewers, leading these viewers to believe that this is the way to live and get to the top and to do that you have to act like a "black girl from the ghetto.” Another show that has a similar vibe to Love & Hip Hop but depicts the similar stereotype is Bad Girls Club. Bad Girls Club is a reality show where some young adult women live in the same house and party all the time.