Topic > The Impact of the Media on Teenagers - 2201

The media has always had a great impact on society, influencing people in many ways. It keeps us updated on the latest fashion trends, gadgets and what's considered "in". Media can be viewed as positive or negative, but this can usually be determined by society. The group that is usually heavily influenced by the media are teenagers. They tend to believe whatever the media says and shows, causing them to behave, dress, talk, talk and think differently. Although media can be considered social networks and blogs, teenagers usually set their youthful lifestyle based on the type of music they listen to and the reality shows they watch. Children are generally the most easily influenced group, because they like to imitate everything they see. During the first years of a child's life, usually between childhood and adolescence, children spend a lot of time watching TV and listening to music, but the teenage years are when they are influenced by others, they believe that whatever their friends say is correct and that the advice their parents give is incorrect. From the advice given by their friends about what they believe is right, they follow what is commonly known as "monkey see, monkey do." Context and Meaning Since they see their friends as having a strong impact in their life, they will do what their friends do, whatever music or TV shows they watch is what they will also watch, but the one thing that is usually common is the their perception of music and programs. Their perception will be that whatever they see and hear on these reality shows and in music is right, and they will start to base their lifestyle on the way they see people on TV and in music videos acting and allowing the words of their music to express themselves. .... center of sheet ......, Elliott, M. N., Berry, S. H., Kanouse, D. E., Kunkel, D., Hunter, S. B., & Miu, A. (2004). Watching sex on television predicts adolescent initiation of sexual behavior. Pediatrics, 114(3), e280-e289.Kearney, M. S., & Levine, P. B. (2014). Media influences on social outcomes: The impact of MTV's age 16 and pregnancy on teen pregnancy (No. w19795). National Bureau of Economic Research. Baya, SY The impact of television viewing in influencing adolescent sexual behavior. International Journal of Scientific Publications and Research, Volume 4, Issue 5, (May 2014) ISSN 2250-3153 Ferguson, C.J., Munoz, M.E., Garza, A., & Galindo, M. (2014). Concurrent and prospective analyzes of peer, television, and social media influences on body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms, and life satisfaction in adolescent girls. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43(1), 1-14.