Topic > a - 828

Article summary:Frank La Rue presented a report to the United Nations General Assembly on the twenty-third session of the Human Rights Council. Although it was submitted late, the report concerned the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of expression and opinion. In general, the main objective of the report is the promotion and protection of all human rights, such as economic, civil, social and cultural, political and the right to development. It was submitted on the basis of UN Human Rights Council Resolution 16/4. The focus of the presentation is the analysis of the impacts of communications surveillance by States in light of the human rights to freedom of opinion, expression and privacy. However, the analyzes recognize the impact of major technological developments in communications. The need to further study new surveillance techniques and to amend national legislation regarding these practices based on human rights standards is also highlighted. Article Summary: The report begins with recognition of the significant impact of major technological developments on communications. Technological innovations have improved possibilities for communication, rapid information sharing and multicultural conversations, anonymity in communications, and protection of freedom of expression and opinion (Rue, 2013). While these advances have improved communications, they have also created new and greater opportunities for state surveillance and intervention into people's private communications. The use of these surveillance techniques has consistently been justified by national and global security concerns and the increase in cross-border criminal activity. From the beginning... middle of the paper... freedom of opinion, expression and right to privacy. Together with mandate holders for special procedures or human rights bodies, the UN Human Rights Council must comprehensively assess the interdependence of these two rights. Conclusion: The author of the report essentially highlights some important considerations for the promotion and maintenance of human rights in light of increased surveillance of communications by States due to increasing threats to national or global security. While recognizing the evolution of communication technologies and techniques and changes in communications surveillance by States, the author demonstrates the need to update current practices to improve respect for and protection of human rights. In essence, it is necessary to balance the expansion of communications surveillance by states with the protection of fundamental human rights.