Conceptual frameworkMany people have different opinions about what they think bullying might be. It is often interpreted in different ways by different people. Rigby et al (2002) cited a definition of bullying as “intentional harm in which power is differential between the bully and the victim” (p.1). This means that bullies are likely to suffer from a variety of problems than children who are not involved. The researcher's primary assumption is to consider victimization and bullying separately and secondarily to consider victimization and bullying simultaneously to examine genetic and environmental influences on the covariation between the two. The article focuses on three groups of children involved in bullying. The three groups are as follows: one is the victim, two are the bullies, and the third is the victims of bullies who are both bullies and victims of bullying. According to Egan and Perry (1998) they believe that bullies and victims have more emotional and behavioral problems than children not involved in bullying. One of these problems is low self-esteem where as Hawker et al (2006) stated the problems are anxiety and depression, whilst as Schwartz (2000) stated that victims of bullying are more depressed and anxious and have higher rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and are more likely to be referred for psychiatric treatment and are also more likely to be rejected from a school (Kempulainen et al 1998) than children not involved in bullying, victims or bullies. Hawker and Egan et al both have similar views as they both stated that victims of bullying are depressed and anxious. Various studies have been... half of the paper ...... household income. Overall, it has been shown that bullying is influenced by genetic factors and to a small extent by non-shared environmental factors. Patterson et al (1992) suggested that socialization through parenting and peers (Harris, 1998) contributes to shared and non-shared environmental influences on aggressive behavior. The correlation between victimization and bullying indicates that fewer children are victims of bullying while more are. pure victims or pure bullies. This confirms that previous research conducted had found a similar correlation between victimization and aggression (Hodges and Perry, (1999); Crick and Bigbee, (1998). The correlation was as high in girls as in boys between victimization and aggression. Bullying. This concludes that the odds of being a bully given to that victim are just as high for girls as for boys.