Topic > Postmodernism Case Study - 1263

History and culture place man at the center of attention, being the leader in all aspects of life. The man is considered the head of the house, giving the male gender superiority over the female gender in life. This belief has influenced the position of women in society and even in the workplace. Third, gender relations and the constructs of masculinity and femininity are not symmetrical but are based on an organizing principle of male superiority and social and political-economic dominance over women (Daly, 1988). For example, gross domestic product (GDP) does not take into account the adequate measure of unpaid work that includes housework and childcare performed by women in society. Finally, knowledge systems reflect humans' views about the natural and social world; knowledge production is gendered (Daly, 1988). Women are underrepresented in academia and think tank policy areas. Women should be at the center of intellectual inquiry, not peripheral, invisible, or appendages to men (Daly, 1988). It is up to women in society to recognize their contribution in life and take up the task. This can happen by assuming responsibilities equal to the male gender. Question 3: Laub and Sampson's aspects of the desistance process during