Faisal Bin Salem WRIT-110-W01Ms. Nina Rosenthal Gap Year Introduction There have been many good arguments about taking a gap year before college or university and after university. Some people are lucky to have taken the gap year especially because after exams many students are often fed up with books and exams. Traditionally, a gap year has been defined as the year spent by students between school and university to explore and discover the world and career opportunities.[1] Gap year taken by students has been around for decades and very often it has been observed that it is of great help to students. The media attention has given the gap year the perception of being a powerful and trendy trend. There are several reasons to critically evaluate the vast employment, personal and academic benefits of the gap year experience. Educational Interests in Gap Year In the midst of statements, rhetoric and logical arguments in support of gap year, there are concepts of learning and education that should be considered. Research has shown that gap year has the ability to improve the intellectual capabilities of the student or graduate. It is a reference statement in decision making and taking responsibility for one's life. Taking a year off from school gives students the dimension they need to mature and feel more confident in their decision making. Some of the necessary attributes and social skills are often difficult to include, but could be critical to the gap year experience. A logical appreciation of the benefits of a gap year could enhance the student's curriculum vitae in conventional ways that graduate programs may not be able to achieve. Students who undertake a gap year tend to improve their employability and as they have already acquired the vital skills needed for employment. [2]According to Dweck, on