I have chosen to delve deeper into the topic of global poverty. Global poverty is a very important and urgent issue. Approximately 1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty, a term defined as living on $1.25 or less (World Bank 2013). Poverty is the lack and deprivation of basic necessities. With poverty comes a wide range of difficulties and hardships. The story of one of these 1.2 billion people was recorded by Brittany Aubin in 2013. Bon, a seven-year-old Burmese refugee in Thailand, is remarkably small. When asked about his size, he replies with a smile: "It's because I drink Coca Cola and not milk, because Coca Cola is cheap and more delicious." Many families face a similar problem when it comes to meeting their children's needs. Many of these needs are unmet due to poverty. The issue of global poverty is important and must be addressed due to the severe and diminishing effects on the quality of life of those who are forced to live with it. Those suffering under the weight of extreme poverty often have no access to health care, sanitation, or shelter (Aubin 2013). Among the 1.9 billion children in the developing world, where most poverty is concentrated, there are 640 million without shelter, 270 without access to health services and 400 million without access to clean water. These conditions often lead to the premature death of children. Worldwide, 2.2 million children die from diseases that could have been prevented with vaccines. Even more are orphaned due to the death of their parents due to preventable diseases and infections. Materials such as clean indoor air are also jeopardized in poverty-stricken areas due to the use of biomass as cooking fuel for approximately 2.5 billion...... of half the paper.... ..and Global Poverty Declines, but Key Challenges Remain." World Bank. World Bank Group, 17 4 2013. Web. 12 February 2014. .Shafsky, Tyler. "Nuru International: A Holistic Approach to Solutions to Poverty. " Borgen. The Borgen Project, n.d. Web. 6 February 2014. Shah, Anup. “Poverty Facts and Statistics.” Np, 7 1 2013. Web, 6 February 2014. Report finds 400 million children living in extreme poverty , 10 10 2013. Web. 6 February 2014. .