Topic > Reflecting on Communication: Lessons from My First Day

The room was initially crowded and noisy and everyone seemed eager to leave, so I might have anticipated that my impact would be different from my intentions. I've trained myself to use self-talk to ask, "Is this something relevant right now or did I just have an idea pop into my head and now I'm stuck thinking about it"? In my haste I didn't do the very thing I encouraged others to do. An unexpected risk factor was that someone else would enter the conversation. Ultimately, this was the factor that altered my perception of the exchange. The person was known to one of us but not the other, so it was a distraction. It was, however, an opportunity for me to step back and reflect, “Do I really want to continue, or would I rather let people share a friendly greeting?” Watching the smiles and seeing someone be able to relax in the environment was refreshing so at that point my focus changed. Rather than nervously defend a point, it seemed more appropriate to leave it alone. The tension from before was now