The gods have been seen interacting with mortals on numerous occasions. When Athena goes to Telemachus and gives him information about her father. Telemachus subsequently thought of dismissing all the suitors because Athena had advised him to do so. Sometimes in the Odyssey there was a kind of friendly relationship between the gods and mortals. During Telemachus' journey, Athena put a lot of trust in the prince. The fact that his father was still out there gave Telemachus a sense of hope. When there is hope there is always a way and that's what Athena gave him. Another interaction is when Odyssey angers Poseidon. Poseidon is one of the gods who holds a grudge against a mortal and was negatively impacted during the journey. Odysseus killed Polyphemus, which is why Poseidon left Odysseus on an island before he returned home. The relationship between Gods and Humans is similar between humans and humans. The only thing different is that Gods have the power and ability to do