Baldwin talks about the role and how one must change one's place in the world to appreciate one's role in society, while Freire talked about how teachers in school systems had to change their their roles in the lives of those they taught. Baldwin talks about his place in the world and how isolated he felt from the American people. He had to leave America to find his "role - distinct... from [his] "place" - in the extraordinary drama that is America, [he] was freed from the illusion of [he] hating the America" (Baldwin 2). The trip to France freed him from the role he thought he was stuck in. Freire adds to this idea by speaking of the role of students and teachers that “instead of communicating, the teacher issues statements and makes deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat. This is the “'banking' concept of education, in which the scope afforded to students extends only as far as the receipt, filing, and preservation of deposits” (Freire 1). Freire discusses the solution to this problem using “a problem-posing education, which breaks with the vertical characteristic of banking education [and] can only fulfill its function of freedom if it can overcome the above contradiction. Through dialogue, the teacher-of-the-students and the students-of-the-teacher cease to exist and a new term emerges: teacher-student with student-teachers” (Freire 6). According to Freire, one of the main problems of 'banking' is that "the banking approach to adult education... will never propose to students to critically consider reality" (Freire 3). Baldwin also speaks to his role when he says that while in France he began listening to Bessie Smith to "recreate the life that [he] had known as a child and from which [he] had spent so many years running away" (Baldwin 1). For years, Baldwin had avoided certain activities and foods