Dramaturgy is a vision of social life as a series of dramatic performances similar to those that occurred in a theater (Ritzer, 144). Much of Goffman's drama is about the processes by which such disorders are prevented and addressed (Ritzer, page 144). In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Goffman developed a new approach to the sociological study of human interaction, due to a mental health court scenario, one that he called "dramaturgical" due to the analogy it had with the theater to describe how an individual engages in social interaction with others in a performance (Staton et al, page 5). This performance was a way for actors to influence their audience in a certain situation. In addition to the relevant mental health, age, gender and race scenario. Human relationships observed in the mental health court were analyzed and theorized so that Goffman could explain the characteristics of human interactions. In the second chapter of The Presentation of Self, Goffman explains what he meant by “teams.” He explained that in social life many performances are not conducted by individuals alone, but by individuals working with others to present a collective front. Goffman defines a team as “any collection of individuals” who operate in the staging of an individual