Paradise Lost: Connections"Put it down... NOW!" As many of us grow older, familiar phrases that were instilled in us during our childhood return to us. These ideas taught us how to grow and learn in the world. Just as our Parents taught us these words, God has taught Satan and all those under him ideas for their further growth and enrichment. "Paradise Lost" contains links that are still used today. The initial connections of "Paradise Lost" begin with the extraordinary power of God. Another connection states that Satan is the root of all evil. The final connection refers to God's forgiveness. The ideas and connections of Paradise Lost have been in use since this epic poem was written. The initial idea of "Paradise Lost" states that God is omnipotent. God's supreme power is displayed throughout "Paradise Lost": "He [Satan], the almighty power, hurled headlong flaming from the eternal [sp.] heaven" by God is but one example of God's supreme power. Satan even admits God's omnipotence: "I now deny by force...