We held a presentation for deaf and hard of hearing students about the transition process, and my senior year I only attended one college fair. While I was able to explore my options, that's about it. Furthermore, as a deaf person, the only universities I knew offhand that provided access and services to deaf students were Gallaudet University in Washington DC and Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York. I know better now, but at the time I didn't think there were many options for me. I wanted to attend a university where I would have access and amenities, but I also didn't have a particular desire to travel too far from home. I didn't get much guidance in school and didn't know half the things I needed to know during the application process. I had no idea what I was doing and my parents had to help me. As a result, when I discovered California State University, Northridge, we submitted our enrollment and housing applications late. I had nowhere to stay for the first two weeks of college. I ended up staying with a host family and left as soon as a dorm room became available. If I had been more prepared, known how the process worked, and had to apply earlier, then this wouldn't have happened