I chose the Browns Chicken Cholesterol-Free Cooking Ad for the informational ad because the ad featured an employee informing viewers that Browns Chicken is made with cholesterol-free ingredients. This ad featured Steve Carell standing on a ladder placing letters on a sign that read Cholesterol-Free Cooking. Once finished, Carell informed viewers that Chicken Browns is cooked in cottonseed oil and cholesterol-free batter, but as he spoke all the letters blew away in the wind except the word Free. But customers noticed the word Free on the sign and started running into the restaurant for their “free” chicken. The reason this commercial was informative is because the commercial simply explained to viewers how Brown's chicken is cholesterol free. The ad claimed the batter was free of cottonseed oil and cholesterol. Informative advertising is used when the advertiser wants to inform the public about a new product or in this case a new recipe. For the persuasive advertisement I chose one of the strangest advertisements. This announcement begins ...