The Torah in the Tanakh is a valuable source for Judaism because it helps shape their religious views just as the Bible is valuable for Christianity, the Quran is valuable for Islam and the Sutras I am for Buddhism. I grew up in a Catholic family and I am aware that having a sacred text is fundamental to any religion because it serves not only as a source of knowledge about the religion but also establishes the rules and beliefs that fall within the religion. I don't actively go to church (mass), but because of the existence of the Bible I can become more educated about Catholicism. This is true for anyone of any religion. At the beginning of this assignment I was nervous and felt extremely overwhelmed because, as I said before, I am not an active church goer. I have a copy of a Bible and am familiar with Catholic beliefs and values, but I have become very tired of having to summarize a sacred text from a different religion when I am not reading from the religion I was raised in. research I felt proud, before this assignment I did not consider myself ignorant or disrespectful towards other religions, however after becoming more familiar with Judaism and Torah, I feel more open-minded and more educated on the issue