Stem cells offer exciting promise for future therapies, but significant technical obstacles remain that can only be overcome through years of intensive research. Stem cells have the incredible potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during the early stages of life and growth. Scientists work mainly with two types of stem cells from animals and humans. Embryonic stem cells and non-embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are the cells from which all other cells originate. In a human embryo, most of the embryo's cells are stem cells. These stem cells can be used for cell therapies. Cellular therapies are treatments in which stem cells are induced to differentiate into the specific cell type required to repair damaged or destroyed cells or tissues. Stem cells are versatile and offer the possibility of treating numerous diseases including Alzheimer's, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. The problem is that in the process of embryonic stem cell research the embryo will be destroyed if used. This raises a moral question and the question of whether stem cell research is unethical or not. Stem cell research should be allowed on adults but not on humans. Only allowed to humans willing to take part in stem cell research, but no one should be used against their will. Embryos should not be used for embryonic stem cell research. An embryo used for its stem cells and then discarded devalues human life. This follows the same immoral issue as abortion. When stem cells are removed from human embryos, a unique individual dies. However, if abortion is legal in the state where this research is being conducted, research may only be conducted on aborted fetuses. It would be... a paper medium... legal everywhere and that would go against everything God intended. Animal research is a vital process for stem cell research and other research in medicine. Animals can be used by scientists for research as long as they do not harm or kill an animal. Over the years, animals have been experimented on for research purposes and have contributed greatly to medicine. However, if animals are continually killed through trial and error, this suggests animal cruelty. Stem cell research is not necessarily bad, and this research can lead to a positive breakthrough in the medical field. Researchers and consumers have a common interest in distinguishing good research from bad. However, this is very difficult to accomplish when stem cell biology is a large and widespread field. Stem cell research could find much more support if scientists did not conduct unethical research.