1. ABSTRACTThe script highlights the "plant" member of the team as an insightful and pragmatic individual who is a source of innovation and unconventional thoughts. A discussion is attempted about the positive and negative aspects of a plant member. Describes the controversial decision to entertain competition among team members. The phases of conflict, cooperation and professionalism are elaborated within the group dynamics of the team in focus. Formation and assault are classified as conflict phases. Norming and enforcement are identified as phases of cooperation and professional behavior. The script highlights the stages of cooperation and links it to “ethnorelativistic learning”. Ethnic diversity is perceived as an advantage in terms of knowledge and its function as a moral stimulus. Professionalism is seen as a semi-permeable membrane that works as a panacea to convert all conflicts into healthy competition. The ineffectiveness of student groups as self-managing teams without an influential leader who has genuine authority over members is highlighted. He also mentions frustration due to the inclusion of sub-standard team members and the inadequacy of the student group to effectively address the problem. It concludes with the discussion on the negative aspects of unethical professionalism which tends to erase values and relationships.2. Review of the applicability of Belbin profiling on the individual.a. Positive aspectsBelbin's profiling technique: BTRSPI (Belbin's Team Role Self-Perception Inventory) classified the student in focus as "PLANT". A well-read person with intelligent and innovative thoughts, problem solver, being unconventional are some characteristics associated with those who... half of the article... team role theory of effective groups", Journal of Management Development, 18( 8), pp. 652-665 Emerald [Online]. Available at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ (Accessed: 22 November 2009).12 intercultural relations and perceived project team performance in the context of international development", International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33(5), pp. 383-390 ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ ( Accessed: 21 November 2009).13. Watson, W., Cooper, D., Torres, MAJINT and Boyd, N. G. (2008) “Team Processes, Team Conflict, Team Outcomes, and Gender: An Examination of Learning Teams Americans and Mexicans", International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32 (6), pp. 524-537 ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ (Accessed: 18 November 2009).