Topic > Analysis of Firearms That Don't Kill People - 740

It seems obvious that a criminal would have a much easier time trying to rob a person or home knowing that these citizens are not allowed to carry firearms. The GOA defends this by showing that “Kennesaw, GA. In 1982, this Atlanta suburb passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the home. The rate of residential burglaries subsequently dropped 89 percent in Kennesaw, compared to a modest 10.4 percent decline across Georgia as a whole,” this fact alone demonstrates that criminals are afraid of targeting citizens knowing that they have at least one firearm on hand. Being able to stop criminals from robbing a person or home is a great benefit because this in itself can save so many lives per day. The truth is that owning firearms and being able to use them for lawful purposes also safeguards people from the fear of