What is a rape crisis center Rape crisis centers exist to provide comprehensive services to victims of sexual violence and their families and to conduct sexual violence prevention and education programs for all (Information, n.d.). Background/HistoryRape crisis centers came into play around the early 1970s. The anti-rape crisis movement and the feminist movement played an important role in the anti-rape crisis center coming into play. These centers have helped so many people since they opened before husbands were able to rape their wives without consequences. These anti-rape centers started as volunteer groups to help people in need. They still help people in need, but all workers are no longer considered volunteers. Organizational Structure Since rape crisis centers are owned by different people and are non-profit, there is no overall organizational structure. The most common structural organizations have an executive director who is the overall head and manages everything. They are important because they make sure everything runs smoothly and they have the final say on everything that happens at the center. If the center is large enough, it may have a deputy executive director who assists the executive director with anything he needs help with, but most centers don't have one. Most centers have a staff coordinator, which is important because he coordinates the staff needed to run the center. They coordinate all the training the staff needs and make sure they are certified in any areas they need to be certified in. There is also a volunteer coordinator who does the same thing as the volunteer-only coordinator or staff. Many centers have a legal advocate. This person has a medical care section and therefore may need special equipment and need a budget for this. Utilities are a must, so you need to defiantly put them in the budget to ensure there is enough money to pay for the utilities, otherwise the facility will be closed. Finally, emergency money is optional and is used in case the agency wants to have an emergency fund to support one of the other areas if needed, or if a client needs it. There is no fixed amount and it will not harm the agency, it is useful if the money is needed somewhere. Works Cited About Us - The Rape Crisis Center. (n.d.). The Rape Crisis Center. Retrieved from http://www.rapecrisis.com/about-us/ Statistics | RAIN | National Rape, Abuse and Incest Network. (2009, January 1). Statistics | RAINN | National network on rape, abuse and incest. Retrieved from http://www.rainn.org/statistics