Divorce and RemarriageFor those who believe that the Bible is the word of God and live by the standard that God has set for man. It is easy to see that this country is far from living the way God would have us live. There are many immoral acts that are imposed on society and force people to accept them. Things like abortion, immodesty and homosexuality. These things are accepted by more and more people as time goes by. Among the horrible acts of murder and perversion just listed above, divorce is one that must be listed among them. The reason is that it is equally immoral and the most accepted by the Lord's church. Most (in the Lord's church) for the time being probably see abortion and homosexuality as sin, but increasingly they do not see divorce and remarriage as sinful. Although the Bible is clear on the subject, many try to distort and ignore the passages to please people or to stay in an adulterous relationship. To draw a proper conclusion on this topic, it is necessary to consider what the Bible says about it. In the creation account in the book of Genesis, God created male and female (Gen. 1:27). He did not create two males with the ability to reproduce, nor did He create two females, one man with multiple wives, or vice versa. God created a male and a female and this demonstrates His intent for them. Genesis 2:24 says, “…the man…shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Dave Miller noted in his book: "God did not introduce polygamy, Lamech did"1. God's intent was for the man to remain with his wife for as long as they lived, however, divorce was permitted later. The Law of Moses had many different laws and ordinances that according to the New Testament we are not commanded to perform, e.g. Could a...... means of paper...... convert the non-believer? The Bible would never teach that we should remain in an “ungodly” state. Verse 16 can be interpreted as: “Paul's point is that the believing spouse should do all he can, without compromising his own faith, to maintain a sense of peace in the home with a view to the conversion of the unbelieving spouse.”5 It is clear that Paul was speaking to Christians, the letter was sent “to the church in Corinth.” If a believer is married to an unbeliever, it does not mean that the believer lived an ungodly life, and even if he or she did, the marriage was still a marriage in the eyes of God. The only type of marriage that God does not recognize as legitimate marriage is that of those who have repudiated their wife for reasons other than adultery and married another. These are the marriages that God considers adulterous, whether society and false teachers want to accept them or not.