Prostitution is being brought to the center of the political realm in regards to decriminalizing the status of sex workers or whether it remains a criminal activity. I am a lobbyist for the Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) with the aim of defending basic human rights for sex workers by adopting alternative practices for sex workers and their respective communities (SWOP, n.d.). This policy follows the protocol supporting the decriminalization of prostitution. The opposite side of prostitution carries ample negativity. It may be the oldest profession in the world, but many people believe this line of work is wrong and refuse to change their opinion on the matter. Furthermore, many believe that this work is deemed too dangerous to be legalized. Women will suffer more violence by choosing this profession. Additionally, having sex with a complete stranger is considered selling a person's body making prostitution unethical and inhumane (Wurth, Schleifer, McLemore, Todrys, & Amon, 2013). STD rates tend to have higher statistics in prostitution ...