There is a saying that goes “You have three selves. The self you show to the world (me or Nygeria), the self your friends and family see (myself or Nygee), and the self no one sees but you (me or Nusa).” This article will explain all those sides of myself plus the alter ego (her or Nuna). There were a few key terms I needed to know as I was doing this project: George Herbert Mead's Theory of the Social Self Mead's theory of the social self says that we are born without a social self and develop gradually through social interaction. The phases are imitation, play phase, play phase and the other generalized phase. Charles Horton Cooley's Looking Glass Self Theory Charles Horton's looking glass self theory states that we have a sense of who we are that is defined by incorporating the reflected evaluations of others. Erving Goffman's Theory of Dramaturgy Goffman's theory of dramaturgy says that there is no self; we are all social actors or scammers and sell our identity to other people. My name is Nygeria Abayomi Jarmon. I'm 18 years old and born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and this is me. Nigeria lived in different places because our father is in the army. Because of his many moves, he had difficulty making friends. Nygee was created, our fifth grade year. She was bullied and picked on, and because of the constant bullying Nygee began to develop a fear of people and avoided talking to anyone at school or outside the home. Our parents were worried that she would stay locked up because the only reason she left my room was to go to school, eat, and use the bathroom for three straight years. During those years we thought our parents hated Nygee for never leaving us......middle of paper......and not everyone means to hurt you. I met so many amazing people and discovered so many things about myself. I still find it difficult to talk to people, but it will take some time to get over. I am a stronger person than I thought and I feel much more confident in myself, no, for having done this. I plan to be a lot more like Nuna moving forward in life, and soon I'll actually like myself for who I am, instead of pretending to be. Actually, doing this project helped me realize that the way I was living wasn't very healthy, and it was. it helped me make a change that I had been trying to make for myself for a long time. I honestly probably wouldn't have made the changes I wanted if I hadn't been forced in some way to make some kind of change like I was for this assignment, and I'm happy I had the chance to take part in this life-changing experience.