An explosion is a type of spontaneous chemical reaction that, once initiated, will be driven by both a large exothermic change and a large positive entropy change as it moves from reactants to products, thus constituting a thermodynamic reaction process in which it propagates very rapidly, but in some cases the speed decreases resulting in a slower form of exhaustion of the explosive. From the past to modern times we constantly hear about different explosives being used to cause destruction and chaos. But there are many types of explosives that all fall into four main groups: primary, low, high, and explosive agents. In history, although early thermal weapons, such as Greek fire, have existed since ancient times, the first explosive widely used in warfare and mining was black powder, invented during 9th century China. This material was sensitive to water and evolved to cause a lot of dark smoke and pollution. The first official useful explosive was stronger than black powder, and they called it nitroglycerin, which was developed in 1847. Because nitroglycerin was unstable, it was replaced by nitrocellulose, a smokeless powdered dynamite, and gelignite. World War I saw the introduction of trinitrotoluene into naval shells. But World War II saw extensive use of new explosives. In turn, these have largely been replaced by modern explosives such as C-4, nitrate fuel oil mixtures and ammonium nitrate water gels now account for seventy percent of the explosives market. The increased availability of chemicals has enabled the construction of improvised explosives. devices destined to increase over time. In which you leave the explosive substance that contains a large amount of energy to be stored in a chemical… middle of paper… ion. Although they are represented through colors, this does not literally mean that water will only change those two specific colors when contaminated with chemicals from explosives. All colors depend on light to help them evolve into something different or change the different chemical composition presented at that time. Also major contaminants in pink water are trinitrotoluene and cyclotrimethylene trinitramine which are transferred from Army Ammunition Plant wastewater. Some are found in ambient environmental conditions with highly persistent explosives in soil and groundwater, now showing resistance to natural volatilization, biodegradation and hydrolysis. This is making it more difficult to get clean water in economically poor cities due to the amount of contamination from chemicals released by the explosive.