Social media has changed not only the way you communicate with your friends and family, but also the way you communicate with the world. Social media has played a very important role not only from an entertainment point of view, but also politically. Citizens and non-citizens of different countries flock to different social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc... to express their opinions and feelings towards some ongoing injustices and this creates such a huge impact that changes happen oi changes are slowly happening. The book Digital Literacy, by Susan Wiesinger and Ralph Beliveau, summarizes quite clearly what this social media gathering means and they call it a “social movement” (p.100). Wisinger and Beliveau (2016) One thing that separates Egypt from other countries that have been liberated from oppression is a simple thing: social media. Social media unleashed and accelerated Egypt's revolutionary fire, Sam Gustin says how "Facebook helped organize activists within the country, he said, while Twitter worked to help spread the message to the wider world" . All this happened in 18 days. In 18 days, the fall of a regime occurred, one of the greatest changes that will be recorded in the history books for subsequent and future generations. Earlier this year, a child somehow made his way inside a gorilla habitat where he encountered a silver-backed animal. gorilla named Harambe, due to the dangerous situation the child was in, the keepers decided to shoot him and eventually kill him. The news spread everywhere, from the news to social media. Everyone wanted justice for this gorilla. “Why would millions of people support the life of a gorilla over black lives matter” Earl Ofari Hutchinson asked the same question many were thinking: “why isn't there the same anger and passion for killing blacks disarmed by the police?" The death of a gorilla was a trending hash tag and is still talked about today as an unarmed black man is blatantly shot dead and is in the media for a couple of days. How come people of different races, different religions, different economic status and different political opinions manage to untie themselves from a gorilla, but now the real world social problems that are currently happening all over the world can be easily solved?