Topic > Get Rich or Die Trying - 551

Every inner-city neighborhood has one. Take a trip through the projects and see the luxury vehicles with the chrome wheels, the watches that could pay for an entire semester of college, and that new pair of Jordans lined up 24 hours a day on the feet of many. Every urban area in the United States is home to at least one individual who will do everything in their power to floss, despite the consequences to them. Regardless of race, religion, and orientation, that person exists. With limited resources and few opportunities available, dealing in illegal drugs has become the norm in conditions of poverty. While most of mainstream and middle-class America has disapproved of this lucrative activity, the entertainment industry has promoted and even influenced those who take part in it. Pure emulation. Turn on any hip hop or even rock radio station and songs glorifying drug use and distribution are sure to be played. TV shows like Weeds and Breaking Bad have even shown audiences that drug dealing doesn't discriminate. The drug dealing was around f...