In the film “I Heart Huckabees”, existentialism takes on a fundamental role in the search for a definitive truth about oneself. Existentialism is a philosophical perspective that questions the unique position of the individual as a self-decisive (academic) agent. It also emphasizes the importance of choice, the possibility of decision, the uniqueness of each person's encounters, the duties of one's decisions and what one does with oneself (Rooney). Over the course of the film, existential investigator Jaffe reveals to Albert that destruction is “to help you shut down your ordinary observations and abandon your typical character that you think isolates you from everything. This room, this street, this city, this nation, this economy, this history, this planet. Your body, your faculties, your occupation. Everything you relate to” (I Heart Huckabees). The characters of “I Heart Huckabees” try to decimate themselves by tolerating and perceiving their discomforts to get to their fundamentals