Global warming is the rapid increase in the Earth's average temperature through the effects of greenhouse gases, such as the burning of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide emissions or deforestation, which are known to prevent to the heat of escaping the Earth. Collected carbon dioxide and other air pollutants in the atmosphere act similarly to a barrier, trapping the sun's heat causing the planet to get hotter. Due to air pollution, it contributes to global warming and also affects air quality. Through the actions of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the EPA is able to pursue reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and improvements in air quality. With the help of the EPA, the EPA aims to develop standards for greenhouse gas emissions from stationary and transportation sources under the Clean Air Act. Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is working to create requirements to stop greenhouse gas emissions for new motor vehicles to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The EPA is also developing standards to ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United States contains a minimum amount of renewable fuel. As for fixed stations, the EPA is working to minimize carbon pollution emitted by power plants. With these actions, the EPA's intent is to reduce carbon pollution. The EPA will help improve air quality by committing to producing new, clean vehicles that have reduced greenhouse gas emissions and use fuel efficiently. These measures are expected to save more than six billion barrels of oil by 2025 and minimize carbon dioxide emissions by more than 3,100 million tons. Under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS), 138 million tons of greenhouse gases will be reduced by 2022, replacing approximately 7% of conventional annual diesel consumption and decreasing oil imports by $41.5 billion. In addition to this, on September 20, 2013 the EPA, along with President Obama's Climate Action Plan, was declared aimed at reducing carbon pollution from power plants. EPA's proposed carbon pollution standards for new power plants built in the future is engaging with states, stakeholders and the public to create carbon pollution standards for existing power plants . In conclusion, the EPA is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving the efficiency of power plants and vehicles. As a result, it will benefit people who will save money on gas, improve air quality, promote green technology jobs, and reduce millions of harmful greenhouse gas emissions..